Sunday, July 19, 2015

My wish, on My Birthday that is on : JULY- 22 - 2015, is as follow: (Next wednesday)

 I wish that all my friends, online; will publish, articles, images, supporting:  Peace, Children, LOVE, Wellness, Justice, education & Good values, in any format you like, posting to your own time line, pages, groups, profiles, networks.
Everyone should be demanding,  Peace to all nations  governments of  this world & the people who control the war, the economy & more,  to start working with real values. (We are tired of wars/killing innocent people-casualties).

Post about ,  human rights for children, for women abused and all human kind. Justice for those who needs it, and regarding  all health issues around this planet demanding & nutrition, such as:  all whole food, healthy food , we  must demand to manufactures & sellers, to low prices and be available for everyone, the  same way, as good vitamins products & medicine, should be available for anyone who needs it. Surgeries & medical treatments, doctors prices that are always outrages!! & Hospital prices that are abusive!!!

For last, STOP, damaging our  environment around the planet, our oceans, and sky ,to breath good air, contaminating ambiance for us and future children of the world.

Stop poverty  (As you have promised many times) and really do deliver the right donations, coming from people. Do new  programs for  prevention of pregnancy in poor families,
to avoid having more children starving to death. Also more education  programs available for free, to families with low income, around the world, so that they can get better jobs to support their families. END POVERTY!!

We must raise awareness one more time and get the attention of the people who control this world, the money & the wars,  to remind them , about humanity & real good values.

We can all help and contribute for a better world.
Thanks for considering this wish!!
Thanks for your support to my wish and my pages. Faydg.

Blessings to all!

PS: I may not have time to respond individually!
May all your good wishes to me, be return back to you 100%!! Faydg.

https://www.facebook.comInspiring/ your soul
https://www.facebook.comInspiring/ our Magical World by Faydg.